In order to better encourage those who are actively involved in addressing climate change to maintain their passion for action and long-term stable development in the field of climate change, in 2024, China Association for the Promotion of International Cooperation among Civil Society Organizations (CAPICCO) and Green Jiangnan Center for Public Environmental Concern of Suzhou Industrial Park (GJCPEC) will launch the “Action Support Program for the Growth of Talents in the Industry - Addressing Climate Change”. The purpose of the program is to enhance the knowledge base and capacity of industry personnel, expand the communication network, promote the growth of industry talents, and to a certain extent, motivate and support participants and individuals who are interested in long-term development in the field of climate change public welfare, and help the green transformation of the social economy.

The first phase of the “Industry Talent Growth Action Support Program - Responding to Climate Change” started recruiting on March 20, and as of 24:00 on March 31, a total of 47 applicants from all over the country had submitted their declaration materials. These climate change activists are either frontline environmental organizations, scholars in the field of scientific research, or volunteers who are concerned about and involved in climate change actions. ......

After the background investigation, preliminary screening and expert evaluation, the 47 proposals were screened one by one in terms of feasibility, innovativeness and reasonableness, and the 10 applicants supported in this phase were finally identified, which are now announced as follows:

(in no particular order)


Direction of support for this issue: Domestic industry exchange and practice

Jie Ding is the Executive Director of Wuhu Qingnuo Community Development Center and a member of Anhui Youth Federation. With 13 years of full-time experience in environmental organizations, she is currently leading a team that is rooted in rural communities in the Anhui section of the Yangtze River Basin, focusing on sustainable development from the perspectives of watershed environmental protection, community climate adaptation, and community governance, as well as carrying out concrete actions.


Direction of support for this issue: Domestic industry empowerment training

Hong Yacheng, Director General of Good Cat Eco-Civilization Promotion Center in Huli District, Xiamen City, is dedicated to the dissemination of environmental culture and planning a series of public participation in eco-environmental protection action plans, so as to let the public know more about and actively respond to climate change. From the perspective of life, she has proposed the “Three-kilometer Pact” and “Barefoot Beach” programs to encourage low-carbon travel and ocean protection, and has used her social media account “Little Polar Bear EeWoo! It also utilizes the social media account “Little Polar Bear EeWoo” to spread the message of global warming and climate change.


Direction of support for this issue: International industry exchange and learning

Liu Dan, Nanchang Qinggan Environmental Exchange Center initiator, director general, engaged in environmental public welfare for more than ten years, selected Ginkgo Partners, members of the Power Grass Program, members of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Democratic Construction of Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Energy and Resources and Environment Committee, members of the Jiangxi Provincial Youth Federation, has been awarded the honorary title of the National 100 Most Beautiful Ecological Volunteers in 2023 and other honorary titles.


Direction of support for this issue: Domestic industry empowerment training

Liu Song, Project Director of Anhui Guangshan Public Welfare Service Center. Graduated from Wuhan University of Light Industry, majoring in environmental engineering, Liu Song has 13 years of experience working in social organizations and 2 years of entrepreneurial experience, rich experience in public welfare project planning, operation and management, and strong ability to resist pressure and mindset adjustment. She is passionate about exploring and learning new issues, and is good at identifying social problems and trying to find solutions.


Direction of support for this issue: International industry exchange and learning

Zhang Denggao, Executive Director of Hefei Shanshui Environmental Protection Development Center, has a bachelor's degree and is a member of the Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party. Mr. Zhang has rich experience in designing and implementing projects on water environment protection issues, policy research and demonstration actions on community participation in wetland protection mechanism and community sustainable development.


Direction of support for this issue: Domestic industry empowerment training

Zhang Haoran, Senior Manager of Green Finance 60 People Forum, Shanghai Jinshinan Financial Research Institute. Focusing on private sector zero carbon transition pathways and electricity demand side management, he is actively involved in building climate networks and is passionate about empowering youth for climate action, having served as the China coordinator for the 16th United Nations Climate Change Youth Conference.


Direction of support for the current issue: Issue studies

Jiang Yong, PhD from Tsinghua University, Associate Professor of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. He is engaged in microbial electrochemical refining of wastewater, focusing on the intersection frontiers of low-carbon wastewater treatment and green biomanufacturing. He is the chair of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and has published papers as the first/corresponding author in Angew Chem, Engineering, Environ Sci Technol, Water Res, and the English Journal of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Fundam). Res), Water Res, English journal of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Fundam Res), etc.


Direction of support for this issue: Domestic industry exchanges

Li Mengqi, a member of the Kunzimeng Cultural Exchange Center in Pudong, Shanghai, is mainly engaged in research in the field of marine environmental protection and climate change. She hopes to promote legislation and policies related to the urgent and ambitious issue of climate change through advocacy actions.


Direction of support for this issue: Domestic competitions and exchanges

Shanshan Liu, Ph.D. in meteorology, now working at Nanjing University of Information Engineering, has long been engaged in research on climate change, and at the same time is committed to the dissemination of meteorological popularization of science and technology, the main video works include “Geoengineering, the science and technology of curbing global warming and hard work? Her main video works include “Geoengineering, Technology and Hard Work to Curb Global Warming? etc.


Direction of support for the current issue: International industry exchanges

Wang Yuanyuan, full-time environmentalist, founder of Jurong Love Pickup Environmental Technology Co., Ltd (Greenfield Youth), likes philosophy and nature, after graduating from university, she participated in environmental protection practice actions, realized that the environment needs to be cared for and managed by us with all our heart, so she founded the organization Greenfield Youth, so that more people can take part in the sustainable action. While working, she is also enrolled in the MBA program at Columbia International University. She believes that it is meaningful to do small and valuable things consistently.

The publicity period of the list is 7 days, during the publicity period, if you have any comments on the proposed candidates, please send an e-mail to the publicity period

Project Background:

The project "Promoting the Development of Social Organizations in the Field of Climate and Gender Issues" is funded by the European Union and implemented by the China Association for the Promotion of International Cooperation among Civil Society Organizations in cooperation with the SIP Lvse Jiangnan Public Environment Concerned Centre (PECC) and the Shaanxi Women and Children Development Foundation (SWCF). The project aims to strengthen the professionalism of social organizations on climate and gender issues and enhance their institutional development capacity by providing capacity-building and resource support.

Project progress and resource sharing:

Project Kick-off Meeting:

2023 Seminar on the Participation of Social Organizations in Social Governance and Kick-off Meeting of the Project on Promoting the Development of Social Organizations in the Field of Climate and Gender

Empowerment opportunities:

“Project on Promoting the Development of Social Organizations in the Field of Climate and Gender: Successful Training Session on Capacity Enhancement of Social Organizations in Gender Mainstreaming

Growth Program:

Open Application | Phase I “Industry Talent Growth Initiative Support Program - Addressing Climate Change”

Support Program 丨 Phase I “Industry Talent Growth Action Support Program - Promoting Women's Development and Gender Equality”

Call for Projects | 2024 Climate Peer Program Recruitment Open

Policy Dialogue:

Climate Issues Policy Dialogue on Diversified Participation in Carbon Reduction in Parks Successfully Held

Policy Promotion Review-Social Organizations Helping the High Quality Development of Chemical Parks in Shandong Province

Issue information and briefings:

Climate Change Quarterly Briefing (Issue 1)

Climate Change Quarterly Briefing (Issue 2)

Gender and Development Quarterly Briefing (Issue 1